WARNING(V11N): New book is UnknownUSFMBook and is not in KJV versification, ignoring INFO(V11N): 3John.1.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to 3John.1.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: 3John.1.14: \w Peace|strong="G1515"\w* \w be|strong="G3588"\w* \w with|strong="G2596"\w* \w you|strong="G4771"\w*. \w The|strong="G2596"\w* \w friends|strong="G5384"\w* \w here|strong="H6311"\w* \w send|strong="H7971"\w* \w you|strong="G4771"\w* \w their|strong="G2596"\w* greetings. \w Greet|strong="H7592"\w* \w each|strong="G2596"\w* \w one|strong="G3588"\w* \w of|strong="G3686"\w* \w our|strong="G2596"\w* \w friends|strong="G5384"\w*.
INFO(V11N): Rev.12.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Rev.12.17 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Rev.12.17: \w and|strong="G2532"\w* \w he|strong="G2532"\w* \w took|strong="G2532"\w* \w his|strong="G1909"\w* \w stand|strong="G2476"\w* \w on|strong="G1909"\w* \w the|strong="G2532"\w* sea-shore.